Finances and pay – Amnesty International

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Where our money comes from

Our deeply held core principles of impartiality, independence and accuracy underpin all we do. This is built on an understanding that all human rights must be respected together if we are to achieve a world free from fear and want.

We are independent of any institution, ideology, economic interest, and religion. Our only interest is in achieving human rights for all.

The vast majority of our income comes from small donations from private individuals. More than 1.7m individuals donated to Amnesty International in 2023. The average donation per month was €13.30.

In 2023, we raised €370m for human rights work, a decrease of 4% from 2022 (€384m). The rising costs across the world is being felt by all our donors and the average donation from individual donors has decreased since 2022 by 13%. Amnesty is on a journey to diversify its income and we have seen our restricted income grow since 2022.

Our global income is crucial to achieving human rights impact and positive change.

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